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Monday, January 17, 2011

Mission Accomplished

Well, I did manage to have my daughter sleep through the night... after many weeks of trial and error.  We are happily going from 11ish to 6am! Some nights a midnight feed would be good enough until 5am, some nights not. I tried 11pm feeds, then a soother and a pat when she woke at 3am, only to be up again at 3:30, then 4am etc.  At times, it just seemed easier to feed her at 3am rather than attempt to soothe her. I'm sure her decision to sleep through the night from now on was more about her being ready, than my strategies. It coincided with her ability to pop her own 'suzie' in...
      The preceding nights, I woke her by changing her diaper at 12am, fed her, then she woke up at 2am/ 4am but only cried for 5mins each time (falling asleep after). I wondered if I had let her cry for a few minutes before, instead of rushing to feed her, if this feat could have been achieved weeks ago... Now, I don't hear a peep from 11pm- 5:30 or so (but make sure not to go in to feed her until 6am). She seems content to whine and chat a bit until I arrive;) Somehow after a couple of weeks of 'sleeping through the night' I don't feel as refreshed as I thought I might be. I still drag my ass out of bed in my 'mombie' state and fight the afternoon crash with an onslaught of caffeine.